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Tarion Warranty 보상 기간

신축 주택과 콘도는 의무적으로 Tarion Warranty 프로그램에 참여해야 합니다. 빌더의 의무이므로
예전에는 빌더의 비용으로 가입했으나, 분양 시장이 빌더 중심으로 변하면서 최근 분양하는
주택과 콘도의 경우 이 비용을 모두 구매자가 내는 것으로 계약이 이루어 지고 있습니다.

PDI를 하고 나면 Tarion Warranty Certificate 이라는 서류가 발급이 되는데, 이 서류는 잘 보관하시는
것이 좋습니다. Tarion Warranty의 기간은 7년인데, 이 기간이 지나기 전에 집을 팔게 되면 구매자
측에서 이 서류를 요청하게 됩니다. 보상 내역에 따라 보상 기간이 아래와 같이 달라집니다.

– One-Year Warranty
 Requires that the home is constructed in a workmanlike manner and free from defects in
 Protects against unauthorized substitutions of items of construction or finishing that are
referred to, or selected by the purchaser, in the purchase agreement
 Ensures that the home is fit for habitation
 Protects against Ontario Building Code violations

– Two-Year Warranty
 Protects against water penetration through the basement or foundation
 Protects against defects in materials, including windows, doors and caulking, or defects in work
that result in water penetration into the building envelope
 Covers defects in work or materials in the electrical, plumbing, and heating delivery and
distribution systems
 Covers defects in work or materials that result in the detachment, displacement, or
deterioration of exterior cladding (such as brick work, aluminum, or vinyl siding)
 Protects against Ontario Building Code violations that affect health and safety, including but not
limited to fire safety, insulation, air and vapour barriers, ventilation, heating, and structural

– Seven-Year Warranty
Provides coverage against major structural defects. These include:
 Defects in work or materials that affect a structural loadbearing element of the home, resulting
in an actual structural failure
 Defects in work or materials that materially compromise a structural loadbearing element of the
home, even if failure has not occurred or is not imminent
 Defects in work or materials that materially and adversely affect the use of a significant portion
of the home

신광훈 변호사 | 905.597.8388 |

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